Android ndk setorientation not working
Android ndk setorientation not working

  1. Android ndk setorientation not working install#
  2. Android ndk setorientation not working for android#
  3. Android ndk setorientation not working code#

* define default precision for float, vec, mat. Gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex x-ray.vert- // Application to vertex shader OfDrawBitmapString("fps: "+ofToString(ofGetFrameRate(), 2), 10, 15) GlTranslatef(-ofGetWidth()/2,-ofGetHeight()/2,0) GlTranslatef(ofGetWidth()/2,ofGetHeight()/2,0) Shader.load("shaders/x-ray.vert", "shaders/ag")

android ndk setorientation not working

tPosition(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2, 0) SquirrelModel.loadModel("shaders/VertibraeCentered.3ds", 10.0) Void Java_cc_openframeworks_OFAndroid_init( JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz ) Build it with android-ndk-r11b/ndk-build V1 NDKDEBUG1 -B Set android:debuggable attribute in AndroidManifest.xml

Android ndk setorientation not working code#

I borrow code from the 3DModelLoaderExample for loading the 3D squirrel model.

Android ndk setorientation not working for android#

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.I am trying to modify the androidShaderExample for android to load my own 3D model and vertex and fragment shader for educational purposes. Is there something glaring I am missing? And if not, can anyone else confirm this behavior? It also failed at this step in the exact same way, so this issue doesn’t seem to be device specific. Android Bump template AGP and NDK versions by camsim99 in 116536. To ensure it wasn’t something to do with my specific machine, I installed UE 4.25.0 on a different machine that had no other versions of UE, and had never had any Android related files whatsoever. Open your Android Studio Preference (or 'File->Settings') > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK. dividerColor not working by xuelongqy in 119690 Remove obsolete comment by. I redid the entire process several times with the same result.

Android ndk setorientation not working install#

At first I figured it was because I also had some old install of AndroidStudio from some ROM work that I uninstalled but might have had some lingering files, so I tried to fully remove Android Studio, the SDK, and all other related files, as well as updating Java before reinstalling studio and running it again. Select the NDK (Side by side) checkbox and the checkboxes below it that correspond to the NDK versions you want to install.

android ndk setorientation not working

Select the Show Package Details checkbox. Tried to remove QT Creator settings files SystemDriveDocuments and SettingsUSERNAMEApplication DataQtProject and SystemDriveDocuments and SettingsUSERNAMELocal SettingsApplication DataQtProject, but it also did not help.

android ndk setorientation not working

It gets to sdkmanager.bat, then says something about not finding something and downloading, then a bar starts across, gets to about 6%, and then the bar disappears and says it failed to find package 11db 3.1, and tells me to check the android studio install, as seen in the attached picture here. To install a specific version of the NDK, do the following: With a project open, click Tools > SDK Manager. So, I began following this guide to install Studio and all that, but it fails at the part where you run androidsetup.bat. I am trying to runa test cardboard vr app on android and started by following this guideuntil I got to the part where I had to add the SDK, NDK paths, at which point I realized I had to setup all of those.

Android ndk setorientation not working